It took me no time to put this to use. I LOVE my new design space. Since the sewing room is also our guest room, now I can have a quilt hanging when we have company.
As you can see the design space is getting filled up with my Batik Challenge quilt. I am already half done with my Murky Pond blocks. These are really flying along, I have 24 of the 48 blocks put together. I think I will call my quilt "Chocolate Truffles" rather than Murky Pond. I find myself thinking about chocolate raspberry, strawberries and cream, and chocolate orange while I am sewing these together.
My local quilt store was having a Superbowl sale this weekend. I thought it was worth a trip over yesterday. The sale was up to 40% off of all fabric!! I stocked up on some fabric for backings and a few pieces of Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler. That was yesterday and the sale ran through today. Hmm, while I was laying in bed this morning trying to wake up I thought of a few more reasons that I should make one more trip to the store today. In a few more weeks I start the Spring Mystery quilt so I NEEDED to buy fabric for that. When you sign up for the mystery you have to pick one color from a select list. For this quilt I selected bright blue (like a royal blue). With the vague gidelines I have selected these for the rest of the quilt. All also 40% off! Sweet. This quilt will be for my son when it is done.
I so need a design wall...Problem is I don't have an available wall--some piece of furniture or other is on practically every wall. I'm not sure how hubby would feel about having a design wall attached to the bookcases in the living room though...I'll have to ask about that. ;-) That batik beauty is turning out great! I worked a Super Bowl sale at a quilt store yesterday. I had to come home and sit for a long while to recover.
Your batik quilt is coming along great. I need to figure out some kind of design wall too. It would be so nice to have one, but my wall space is so limited in my sewing room. The curtain rod is a really good idea.
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