Today I took advantage of the freezing cold tempatures outside, to stay inside and quilt! I have gotten the first month of the Star Crazy blocks done. This is the first of the 12 months for a block of the month from The Quilt Show that have decided to do. Yea, like I really needed another project.
I really love the bright colors so far. The blocks this month were two 8" stars that will go in the center and six 6" stars for one of the boarders.
I have also started another quilt. This one is for a friend at work. Her husband has just deployed to Afghanastan today for a year. She has two little girls and a more than full time job. Her husand is also a co-worker of mine. I have been trying to think of something that I can do for them to give them some support during this difficult time. I thought a good start would be a quilt. I hope that this can provide some comfort for them during the next year. Maybe a place for them to snuggle at the end of a day.
How about a look at a few quilts I have been working on while absent from my blog?
2009 seemed to be a baby boom at work. Here are the last two baby quilts for the year. A co-worker and good friend is having twins! A boy and a girl, they should be making their arrival by the end of the month. Knowing my friends tastes, I really didn't want to make the quilts using the typical baby fabrics. Instead I decided to use bali fabrics in a traditional block. I used the same pattern for both the boy and the girl quilts. I really like how they turned out. Hope the babies do too!
The other top that I have been able to get together was the Fall Mystery quilt from Yankee Pride, my local quilt store. This is for my son and he picked out a lot of the fabric. I have to say, by the time I was done with this I had seen enough orange to last me quite a while. He loves it which is what is important. Now I just need to get it quilted.
Well, that is all for tonight.
Happy New Year - 2010
Well, it is high time that my unplanned and extended absence from my blog end. What better time to get back in gear but a new year. I have been plugging away on projects even though I haven't updated the blog. I will get caught up on pictures over the next month.
So here is what I do have for recent updates. First, I have used the holiday break to clean and re-organized my stash. Here is my closet now. I didn't take a before picture, but this is much me.
Now that my stash is in order I can work on finishing projects that are in the works. I am also starting a new project. The Quilt Show offers a block of the month project to its members each year. This year there are two free BOM projects, one pieced and one applique. While I love both of them, I am going to make the pieced quilt called Star Crazy. I have seen this mentioned on some other blogs today too! Cactus Needle and Canton Village Quilt Works both have great posts about the BOM if you are curious to see more.
I was able to get some time today to sew. Oh right, that is because we have gotten 30 inches of snow in the last 24 hours!!!

So what does our yard look like with the greatest single snow fall on record? That is saying something considering we live in Northern Vermont. This was first thing this morning.
Well that is it for now. It is nice to be back.
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